Whenever we meet someone new it's always a thrill. The thrill of the chase, a chase that we hope will end up with sex. We wine them we dine them hoping to 69 them. After how many dates is it appropriate to expect sex? And when it does finally happen, how long is it before we are comfortable enough to act out fantasies and desires?
Prostitution eliminates all these problems and questions. You already know that before your escort arrives she/he is a sure thing!!
This however is where it becomes tricky- once the boundaries have been eliminated and you get everything you want, obviously for a price, can you ever go back to dating?
What I mean by all of this is, for a price, you eliminate all the chasing, boring dinners or movies and the whole meeting the friends and family bullshit hoping to get their approval just so you can get laid.
So the question is- Does the sex industry ruin our chance at having normal relationships?
I won't generalize instead I'll speak from personal experience. After quite a few messy relationships I began booking hookers. That phase of my life lasted for over 10 years. I was booking at least 2 girls a week at that time and never saw the same girl twice. I racked up quite a body count. The best thing was I'd go out partying and really enjoy it because I didn't care if I picked up or not. There was no spending all night buying some girl drinks and talking shit hoping to get lucky. I knew I could go home ring an agency and have any girl I wanted delivered to my door and the best part, a happy ending was guaranteed!!
Eventually years later I tried to settle down but my attitude has changed forever.
I don't get excited by the thrill of the chase any more I find it boring and pointless, especially when I know everything I want is only a phone call away!!
Once you've crossed a line enough times- you forget where it was to begin with!!
Christian Clarke
Often felt the same way, but I still like to tease. It gets ME hot!!