Every time we meet someone new it's always an exciting time. Everything's a first!!
First date - First kiss - First time you have SEX.
This phase is what I like to call the honeymoon period. For a brief moment in time it's just about the two of you. The past and future aren't an issue it's all about the present and living in the moment!!
Some of the best moments in a new relationship is the BED TALK , you know the ones I mean. After a good session lying around in bed talking about anything and everything!!
And then eventually comes the time when you open THE X-files. You start talking about x lovers. X relationships and x marriages if any!!
And then comes the dreaded question. HOW MANY?
I think after the age of 30 this question should become illegal!!
Really any normal person with a healthy sex drive would have accumulated quite a body count!!
I think it's unfair to judge but unfortunately people do.
If a guy has had over 50 lovers he's considered a player. Girls will say things like, don't take him seriously he's a good time not a long time!!
If a girl admits to over 50 lovers- well that's even worse, I don't need to list the names she is labelled with!!
I'm about to tell you all something that will shock you!!
In the wonderful world of prostitution an escort is required to do a minimum of 5 days a week each shift consisting of 8 to 10 hours. The young pretty girls will see a minimum of 7 clients a night. So let's do the math- 35 clients a week- 140 a month-let's say 10 months a year that's 1400 men per year on average. Now do the math for a 10 year period- that's serious numbers!!!
I bet your numbers looking pretty good now isn't it?
So the next time you open the X- files with someone don't be so quick to judge!!
Christian Clarke
Fabulous Christian. Really cant wait for the book. I'm so excited. . . and HORNY LOL!