Friday, 29 June 2012


Once upon a time….

You already know the rest of the story; beautiful girl waiting for Prince Charming to rescue her; and they live happily EVER AFTER!!! Blah! Blah! Blah!

Boys are conditioned to be the saviours and Girls the damsels in distress....
These FAIRYTALES are no longer relevant in today's society. The balance has shifted. Women are earning just as much as men, so the modern day FAIRYTALES is trying to find someone on you're own level.

In the Wonderful World of Prostitution the FAIRYTALE, is the wealthy client, saving the poor working girl. Pretty Woman the movie, staring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, is the classic example of this fantasy. Again that FAIRYTALE is a thing of the past. Today's escorts can earn $1500 to $2000, per 8hr shift x 5 days a week. So you see gentlemen to keep these girls all to yourself you need to have big bucks.

In the time I was driving Escorts the biggest complaint from the girls was the SAVIOUR clients; let me take you away from all of this; or, what's a girl like you doing in a job like this?; securing my future that's what you loser. Girls have come out guns blazing!!

This new breed of girls are Independent women who don't need a SAVIOUR!!
Why would a working girl run off with a client? Firstly he'd always think of her as a hooker and secondly she would have to live off the allowance she is given. So to all the saviours out there- unless you're willing to sign over real estate or a hefty weekly pay cheque, don't bother trying to save a working girl...

The FAIRYTALES are over. Yes LOVE still exists!! However it is a love of equality and mutual respect. So keep a look out for it; you never know, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ORDINARY LIFE, the new and improved FAIRYTALE might happen!!!

Christian Clarke

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

How many is too many??

Every time we meet someone new it's always an exciting time. Everything's a first!!
First date - First kiss - First time you have SEX.
This phase is what I like to call the honeymoon period. For a brief moment in time it's just about the two of you. The past and future aren't an issue it's all about the present and living in the moment!!

Some of the best moments in a new relationship is the BED TALK, you know the ones I mean. After a good session lying around in bed talking about anything and everything!!
And then eventually comes the time when you open THE X-files. You start talking about x lovers.  X relationships and x marriages if any!!

And then comes the dreaded question.  HOW MANY?

I think after the age of 30 this question should become illegal!!
Really any normal person with a healthy sex drive would have accumulated quite a body count!!

I think it's unfair to judge but unfortunately people do.
If a guy has had over 50 lovers he's considered a player. Girls will say things like, don't take him seriously he's a good time not a long time!!
If a girl admits to over 50 lovers- well that's even worse, I don't need to list the names she is labelled with!!

I'm about to tell you all something that will shock you!!

In the wonderful world of prostitution an escort is required to do a minimum of 5 days a week each shift consisting of 8 to 10 hours. The young pretty girls will see a minimum of 7 clients a night. So let's do the math- 35 clients a week- 140 a month-let's say 10 months a year that's 1400 men per year on average. Now do the math for a 10 year period- that's serious numbers!!!

I bet your numbers looking pretty good now isn't it?

So the next time you open the X- files with someone don't be so quick to judge!!

Christian Clarke

Friday, 22 June 2012

Self Lubricating

In the sex industry there's always a new girl just around the corner. The agency loves that, fresh meat to send to the clients. In the agencies database there are thousands of clients always waiting for the next new girl on the block!!!

One of these clients was a man named Justin. He was what we called an Escort Whore! He was addicted to escorts, at least 4 times a week he would book girls. Justin had his favourites but as soon as a new girl arrived she would become flavour of the month.

The girls loved going to Justin and his nickname was The Gynaecologist. His big thing was going down on the girls. He never had intercourse with them; he just wanted to see them cum over and over. The girls all agreed he was very good at what he did. He called himself The Pussy Whisperer!!

One night a new girl got into my car, her working name was Naomi. She looked like a catwalk model, 5'10 long, platinum blonde hair, size 6 waist and double d breasts. She had an amazing face but you could tell she’d had a lot of work done.
Age? she was ageless. If she told me she was 20 I would've believed her, however I think she was a lot older than that.

When we arrived at Justin’s house in
Middle Park I found a parking spot right out front.  Off to a good start I thought to myself.

Naomi got out of the car and entered the house. I put on a CD and made myself comfortable. I knew Justin kept the new girls at least 4 hours on their first visit. About 20 minutes into the booking Naomi flung my passenger door open, she got in half naked holding her dress and shoes and started screaming “drive off”.  As I quickly started the car and drove off I could see Justin in the rear view mirror chasing the car. Naomi was hysterical all the way back to the office. I kept asking if she was alright but I never got an answer. I never saw her again after that.

About 2 days later I was driving one of the receptionists home and she told me the story...

Naomi had a little secret she hadn't told the agency when she started, she was actually born a man!!! She'd had a sex-change. To the naked eye you'd never pick her however, to a trained professional like Justin it was a ‘no brainer’.

You see even though a Tupperware Box might look and feel like the real thing, the one thing it can't do is self lubricate.

Justin was threatening to sue, but the agency offered him 10 free hours with one of his favourites and he got over it.

Naomi/Norm was fired on the spot!!

Christian Clarke

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Paid to Leave

For anyone not involved in the sex industry when you hear of the absurd amounts of money spent by clients it just doesn't make sense. I hope this entry will shed a little bit of light!!

There are two types of clients: Firstly Married Men these are men that love their wives and the life they share with them, however sexually are not satisfied. So instead of starting an affair that might eventually be exposed they opt for hiring an escort that will satisfy their sexual desires. It's like a business arrangement an exchange of money for sex (no strings attached).

The second and more popular category of client is Single Men. This is when you may ask WHY?  You probably think they must be boring ugly losers or socially retarded and that's why they book escorts. WRONG!!
They book for the same reason married men book (no strings attached). Men don't pay an escort for sex, they pay her to leave!! They know that no matter what happens in that room when the time is up, the escort will leave.

How many of you have suffered over a one night stand gone wrong?

The Melbourne social scene is one degree of separation. Everyone knows someone that knows you! But when you're off your face everything sounds good at the time!!
The worst one night stands are the ones you pick up in your regular hang outs eg. Night clubs, bars, restaurants. If you're both clear as to what's going on you're fine. I however have found that one night stands always come at a price- too high a price for a couple of hours of pleasure that you share.

Let me tell you there's nothing like a scorn lover to burn the earth. I've taken girls home that have stayed around for days and to finally get rid of them I agree to exchange numbers. That's when the real problems start. The constant messages and calls- you'd think after a certain period of time with no response they'd get the hint. WRONG. It gets worse they start to frequent you're favourite places with their friends playing mind games with you. One of my one night stands actually went as far as to befriend my mother and sister. Next thing I knew my mother was having Greek DVD nights with her, the girl was Italian. The best part was the DVDs had no subtitles my mother was stoping to translate as they went along!!

One thing I've learnt in my life is women are far more dangerous than men!!
You fight with a guy, you punch on. It’s over. Fight with a woman you could be subjected to months sometimes years of head fucks.

After all that escorts are looking pretty good, aren't they?

So to sum up I'll leave you with the following advice.

Be careful where you put your signature and your dick!!

Christian Clarke

Sunday, 17 June 2012

My Latest Review

A Synthetic Illusion by Christian Clarke

A GRITTY, seedy novel exploring the dark side of glittering Melbourne city – the night-time world of prostitutes, high-class escorts, the escort agencies, the drivers, the minders and the drugs.

Using the pen name Christian Clarke, the author has dedicated this book to his muses – the girls of the sex industry.

Mick is a former restaurateur, he’s 40, of Greek heritage and quite good looking. He’s looking for something else to do with his life and, through a friend, starts as a driver to one of the high-class escort agencies. From this vantage point, Mick quickly gets to know many sex workers, how the lucrative industry works, what rules not to break and who takes what drug.

So from here, the book introduces the reader to many women and details their journey to being a sex worker. We also hear about the huge drug habits of many, the sexual proclivities of many, how they work, their pay, their hours, their success and failure. Mick eventually becomes a sex worker himself – for women and men – and develops a huge drug habit. But he is fairly comfortable with his world and eventually comes clean to his parents and siblings.

``Maybe it was his mid-life crisis. Some buy a sports car, some get a divorce or go on a trip to find themselves, but Mick became a coke-whore.’’

In this book, the author’s goal is to paint an open and honest picture of the sex industry. He spells it out like it is, and hopes to help the reader understand the people involved. This isn’t everyone’s idea of a good read and that’s exactly because of the graphic and numerous sex and drug references (and violence). But for those readers who are curious as to the sex industry world, this book will give you a good idea as it was obviously written by someone very close to the action. 

Wendy O’Hanlon, Acres Australia  

Friday, 15 June 2012


Whenever we meet someone new it's always a thrill. The thrill of the chase, a chase that we hope will end up with sex. We wine them we dine them hoping to 69 them. After how many dates is it appropriate to expect sex? And when it does finally happen, how long is it before we are comfortable enough to act out fantasies and desires?

Prostitution eliminates all these problems and questions. You already know that before your escort arrives she/he is a sure thing!!

This however is where it becomes tricky- once the boundaries have been eliminated and you get everything you want, obviously for a price, can you ever go back to dating?

What I mean by all of this is, for a price, you eliminate all the chasing, boring dinners or movies and the whole meeting the friends and family bullshit hoping to get their approval just so you can get laid.

So the question is- Does the sex industry ruin our chance at having normal relationships?

I won't generalize instead I'll speak from personal experience. After quite a few messy relationships I began booking hookers. That phase of my life lasted for over 10 years. I was booking at least 2 girls a week at that time and never saw the same girl twice. I racked up quite a body count. The best thing was I'd go out partying and really enjoy it because I didn't care if I picked up or not. There was no spending all night buying some girl drinks and talking shit hoping to get lucky. I knew I could go home ring an agency and have any girl I wanted delivered to my door and the best part, a happy ending was guaranteed!!

Eventually years later I tried to settle down but my attitude has changed forever.
I don't get excited by the thrill of the chase any more I find it boring and pointless, especially when I know everything I want is only a phone call away!!
Once you've crossed a line enough times- you forget where it was to begin with!!

Christian Clarke

Gay for Pay

In the sex industry as I've said before society's rules don't apply, especially when it comes to sexual orientation.
If you want your career as a prostitute to be successful you need to be open minded.
Girls need to be able to perform lesbian acts and boys to suck cock. In real life this would make you bi-sexual, in the sex industry these labels do not exist, for the right price anything is possible!!

Is it really so different in real life?

Over the years in club land I've watched generations of clubbers evolve.
Is there really any such thing as straight any more? Or is it just straight to bed?
Under the right circumstances and on enough alcohol and drugs I've seen even the most die hard heterosexual jump the fence!!
Talking to the younger generation of boys 18-25 the common belief seems to be; any hole is a goal or blow and go.
Maybe labels like Gay, Straight and Bi are a thing of the past, maybe we've evolved past the labels and fantasies that were once kept in the closet and are now out in the open for everyone to see.

So my question too you dear reader is, if we in our personal lives are doing what the hookers are doing for a living, are we hookers too?

Till next time my advice to everyone is- try everything once and choose what's right for you!!

Christian Clarke

Friday, 8 June 2012

Drug Sluts

Prostitution and drugs go hand in hand. Most working girls indulge in some form of drugs to get them through their bookings. But how much is too much?

The drug epidemic sweeping Melbourne is ice. The problem is most ice users stay up 3 or 4 days at a time and even though they think they are functioning they aren't.

I had the pleasure of driving a full on ice junkie and I'll tell you what, she was the most fried drug user I've ever met. She had been on shift for 70 hours without a break, I couldn't believe the agency was sending her to bookings- she was a fried mess. She was slurring her words, her hair was a mess and her skin colour was grey. I wouldn't fuck her for free much less pay her.

The reason these girls are popular though is because the client can get away with a lot more. When you're that fried everything sounds good at the time!! Ice is sold between $800 to $1000 a gram and this girl could easily puff 2 grams a night, so she worked like a dog to supply her habit. I heard that in one of her bookings she had passed out so the client pissed and shit on her, when she came to she began freaking out but he convinced her she had asked him to do it. What a fried bitch.

After I dropped her off at the office I actually felt sick that I'd had her sitting next to me!!

That's what I mean by extremes- there's a fine line between drug user and drug abuser- and once you cross that line one too many times you end up just another fried drug fucked hooker!!
Money and drugs can make you do a lot BUT money for drugs can make you do anything
‘Till next time- remember not to cross the line too often!!

Christian Clarke