Everyone involved in prostitution needs to learn a huge lesson, PATIENCE. It is one of the few industries where there are no guarantees. You could do an 8 hour shift and not make a cent.
Everyone is constantly waiting. The receptionists wait for calls to come through, the girls wait with their hair and make up done to be sent to a booking, and the drivers wait for a girl to get in their car so they can drive her.
I come from a hospitality background where there's always something to do and suddenly I found myself sitting around bored shitless for hours. It's quite depressing sitting around with nothing to do - waiting, waiting and waiting!!! I believe we are most alone when immersed in our own thoughts, which got me to thinking is the real world really so different!!
We are all playing THE WAITING GAME in one way or another. We wait for an event, birthday, Christmas etc, we wait for our lunch break, for our favourite TV show, for the weekend or for a lovers call, it's a world of waiting!!!
Sometimes, by the time what we are waiting for happens, we are already over it.
Maybe instead of waiting, we should be acting. Time is so precious so try to utilise every day. I learnt that lesson as I sat in my car night, after night, waiting for an escort to get in, so I can drive her to a booking. I finally snapped out of it and instead of waiting aimlessly I wrote my book A SYNTHETIC ILLUSION. It took me 4 months and when I finished I left the industry. I spent 2 years as a driver and it changed my life forever, I changed as a person I became more tolerant more patient, but above all more compassionate. Maybe it was what I needed, my break from reality to make me appreciate my hectic, messy lifestyle…
Christian Clarke
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