Our life is a work in progress! We grow, we learn, we love, we achieve. Everything we are, everything we do, is meaningless without people to share it with!!
We all rely on our family and friends for support, advice or love. How lonely and isolated would you feel if you were completely ALONE?
Welcome to the wonderful world of Prostitution....
So far my Blogs have given you an insight into the money side of things now; I'd like to take you behind the lipstick and the glamour!!
The sadness and hostility behind many of the escorts lives is tragic!! Although performing a very necessary service for those who need them, their job is still looked on with distaste!
How do you tell you're family you sleep with men for money, or how do you trust to tell your closest friend? All it takes is one person to start talking and you're DONE!! Hooker, prostitute or whore are all titles that will stay with you forever and could ruin the rest of you're life...
I met hundreds of girls when I was a driver and the most popular story they spun to family and friends was telemarketer. They claimed they worked in a call centre that dealt with overseas clients so because of the time difference they worked all night. You have to remember these girls are the masters of lies; their whole life is a lie A SYNTHETIC ILLUSION they create.
They lie to their clients pretending to love them or enjoy their company hoping to get an extension or a tip!! They lie to their families, friends and basically anyone not involved in the industry. At least they've got their fellow workers to open up to. WRONG!!!
Their co workers can never be their friends, for so many reasons. First and foremost how do you bring another escort into you're circle of friends or family. What if they slip up and start talking about bookings or clients or even worse refer to you by you're working name. These are big risks to take so why risk it.
The main reason though, escorts don't create friendships within the work place is simply MONEY. These girls are direct competition, every booking one gets, is one the other lost...
Sure it's all pleasantries and chit chat when they're in the office, but business is business. As a driver I saw the ugly side of the girls. When there were two of them in my car they'd be best friends, complimenting each others outfits, hair and make up. As soon as one got out of the car the other would get out the knives. Dirty whore, she has unprotected sex, she has a disease and so on and so on, you get the picture.
In the real world you're co workers are people with similar skills or education levels, that's why you're doing the same job, in prostitution it's just a bunch of money hungry people thrown together constantly competing for bookings...
What a lonely existence!! They feel isolated from the people closest to them as no one can ever know who they really are. Externally they are gorgeous independent women however internally they're a mess. They try to camouflage their depression with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately this is a short term solution to an ongoing problem. You're probably thinking why don't they leave the industry and get a normal job? Sounds good in theory however how do you go from clearing $250 an hour to clearing $15 an hour in some unskilled minimum wage job. What other job will pay a high school drop out with no skills that sort of money?
In my book you are introduced to many girls, each with their own unique story of how they entered the sex industry and the insane amounts of money that keeps them there!!!
What tangled webs we weave!!
Christian Clarke
I'm an escort, and I do not drink or do drugs, nor do I work for an agency. My family and boyfriend know what my work is, and I also go to school during the day. I usually only see 2 clients a week. maybe less.