Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Waiting Game

Everyone involved in prostitution needs to learn a huge lesson, PATIENCE. It is one of the few industries where there are no guarantees. You could do an 8 hour shift and not make a cent.

Everyone is constantly waiting. The receptionists wait for calls to come through, the girls wait with their hair and make up done to be sent to a booking, and the drivers wait for a girl to get in their car so they can drive her.

I come from a hospitality background where there's always something to do and suddenly I found myself sitting around bored shitless for hours. It's quite depressing sitting around with nothing to do - waiting, waiting and waiting!!! I believe we are most alone when immersed in our own thoughts, which got me to thinking is the real world really so different!!

We are all playing THE WAITING GAME in one way or another. We wait for an event, birthday, Christmas etc, we wait for our lunch break, for our favourite TV show, for the weekend or for a lovers call, it's a world of waiting!!!

Sometimes, by the time what we are waiting for happens, we are already over it.


Maybe instead of waiting, we should be acting. Time is so precious so try to utilise every day. I learnt that lesson as I sat in my car night, after night, waiting for an escort to get in, so I can drive her to a booking. I finally snapped out of it and instead of waiting aimlessly I wrote my book A SYNTHETIC ILLUSION. It took me 4 months and when I finished I left the industry. I spent 2 years as a driver and it changed my life forever, I changed as a person I became more tolerant more patient, but above all more compassionate.  Maybe it was what I needed, my break from reality to make me appreciate my hectic, messy lifestyle…

Christian Clarke

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Legal Prostitution

The Oxford Dictionary meaning of prostitute is - woman offering her body for sexual intercourse for payment.

Even though Prostitution is a profession that has been around since the dawn of time, it's still looked on with disdain. In the Christian bible we see Christ saving Mary Magdalen from being stoned for being a prostitute. He asked the furious crowd to think before they act and let “he who has no SINS cast the first stone......”
Let's move forward from then to now, and people's perceptions of prostitutes haven’t changed much. Even though prostitution is legal, it is still considered immoral...

I spent 30 years in the Melbourne club scene and let me tell you girls off their head are much worse, I've been blown for a line of coke in the toilets more times than I can remember.
If the drug sluts knew you had a pocket full of gear they flocked around you like seagulls...but my favourites were the gangster moles, if they thought you were a major player or well connected they would blow you right at the bar if you let them..

I read an article the other day that said- the sexual health clinics in Melbourne are overwhelmed with the rise of sexually transmitted diseases, that have been brought on by the backpackers visiting our city. These girls ranging in age from 18-25 come here and have sex with as many people as they can. That's great, but they are having unprotected sex and spreading diseases!!

This brings me to today's BLOG- LEGAL PROSTITUTION...

Escort agencies and Brothels in Melbourne have a government body which is constantly monitoring them. They are like the health department of prostitution. By law the girls have to be tested for sexual diseases once a month. If the girls do not produce a health certificate at the beginning of every month, they aren't allowed to work. Condoms are essential. Any sexual act without a condom is illegal in the sex industry. So you see these girls are clean and safe. Yes they might sleep with more men than the average girl but they always put safety first.

I had my first sexual encounter at 16. It was 1985 in the back seat of a girl’s Datsun 200b. In those days no one used condoms, the AIDS scare hadn't reared its ugly head so safe sex was never an issue. By 1987 AIDS was all people were talking about in Melbourne, and condoms became the new essential item on our shopping list. Nightclubs and public toilets installed condom machines and the days of natural sex was well and truly over.

It's up to the girls of the sex industry to lead the way in the fight to have prostitution considered an acceptable profession. It's legal, clean and lucrative. It even has its annual SEX INDUSTRY AWARDS.... So be loud and proud of who you are, I for one couldn't live without you!!

Christian Clarke

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Escorts Lonely Life

Our life is a work in progress! We grow, we learn, we love, we achieve. Everything we are, everything we do, is meaningless without people to share it with!!
We all rely on our family and friends for support, advice or love. How lonely and isolated would you feel if you were completely ALONE?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Prostitution....

So far my Blogs have given you an insight into the money side of things now; I'd like to take you behind the lipstick and the glamour!!

The sadness and hostility behind many of the escorts lives is tragic!! Although performing a very necessary service for those who need them, their job is still looked on with distaste!

How do you tell you're family you sleep with men for money, or how do you trust to tell your closest friend? All it takes is one person to start talking and you're DONE!! Hooker, prostitute or whore are all titles that will stay with you forever and could ruin the rest of you're life...

I met hundreds of girls when I was a driver and the most popular story they spun to family and friends was telemarketer. They claimed they worked in a call centre that dealt with overseas clients so because of the time difference they worked all night. You have to remember these girls are the masters of lies; their whole life is a lie A SYNTHETIC ILLUSION they create.

They lie to their clients pretending to love them or enjoy their company hoping to get an extension or a tip!! They lie to their families, friends and basically anyone not involved in the industry. At least they've got their fellow workers to open up to. WRONG!!!

Their co workers can never be their friends, for so many reasons. First and foremost how do you bring another escort into you're circle of friends or family. What if they slip up and start talking about bookings or clients or even worse refer to you by you're working name. These are big risks to take so why risk it.

The main reason though, escorts don't create friendships within the work place is simply MONEY. These girls are direct competition, every booking one gets, is one the other lost...

Sure it's all pleasantries and chit chat when they're in the office, but business is business. As a driver I saw the ugly side of the girls. When there were two of them in my car they'd be best friends, complimenting each others outfits, hair and make up. As soon as one got out of the car the other would get out the knives. Dirty whore, she has unprotected sex, she has a disease and so on and so on, you get the picture.

In the real world you're co workers are people with similar skills or education levels, that's why you're doing the same job, in prostitution it's just a bunch of money hungry people thrown together constantly competing for bookings...

What a lonely existence!! They feel isolated from the people closest to them as no one can ever know who they really are. Externally they are gorgeous independent women however internally they're a mess. They try to camouflage their depression with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately this is a short term solution to an ongoing problem. You're probably thinking why don't they leave the industry and get a normal job? Sounds good in theory however how do you go from clearing $250 an hour to clearing $15 an hour in some unskilled minimum wage job. What other job will pay a high school drop out with no skills that sort of money?

In my book you are introduced to many girls, each with their own unique story of how they entered the sex industry and the insane amounts of money that keeps them there!!!

What tangled webs we weave!!

Christian Clarke

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Dangerous Liaisons

The OXFORD dictionary meaning of Liaison : a person who acts as a link to assist communication or co operation between people:

In the Sex Industry the Liaisons are the receptionists (phone operators)

They are the first point of contact when clients want to make a booking. The Agency I worked for was open 24/7. The receptionists were divided into two 12 hour shifts. They made $20 an hour + $1 commission on every booking they secured. The commission doesn't sound like much but when you consider the Agency does 200-300 bookings a day there's serious $$$ to be made. There are 3 receptionists on every shift with 12 phone lines ringing off the hook.

Most of the receptionists are ex working girls so therefore they know exactly what the clients want to hear. They would use their years of experience to make sure every enquiry turned into a booking. The clients loved talking to these witty friendly women and they in turn would flirt to their hearts content in order to secure their $1 commission. A good receptionist could make $400 a shift. Pretty good money right?  WRONG!!!

These receptionists looked at the money the escorts where making per shift and couldn't cope with the fact that their time was OVER. Most of them were now married with kids or basically too old or fat to be sent to clients. They had ended up bitter and twisted women who had spent their life working on their backs with nothing to show for it!!! So everyone SUFFERED!!

The girls lived in constant fear of them. If you got into the receptionists bad books you're career in prostitution was over at that agency. The receptionists decide which girl is sent to what booking, if they wanted to punish you, you would spend the whole night in the office without making a cent. Another punishment was sending a girl that usually goes out at $500 per hour to a $200 per hour booking, if you try to refuse you know you won't get another booking all night. When they really can't stand you they do things like send you to a booking and tell the client he can give you a golden shower on the house, if you complain, YES you guessed it no more bookings that night.

You're probably thinking why the girls don’t complain to the owner; that’s just asking for trouble, that's when all the receptionists turn on you. One girl that complained spent the next 4 weeks with no bookings, when the owner questioned it the receptionists all agreed that, that girl was no longer popular, no regular clients where asking for her and the new clients ringing just never wanted someone of her description, so the owner fired her....

Working as an escort you'd think your biggest problem would be dealing with the clients but NO it's these DANGEROUS LIAISONS the bitter twisted receptionists that you need to watch out for!!

Christian Clarke

Monday, 2 July 2012

Birthday Presents

One of the most frequent types of booking I would drive girls to on the weekend was COUPLE BOOKINGS....

Those bookings were $1000 per hour and they included a service for both, that means the Escort would have to have sex with both the male and female in the room.
That's fine it's a threesome you think to yourself, but what I found odd was that usually this type of booking was booked as a birthday present. So usually a wife had rang the Agency to book a girl as a surprise for her husband to join them!!!

What ever happened to giving a watch, a wallet or even after shave???

It's a new world out there!! The old rules no longer apply. Is the modern day relationship all about pleasing the other person? You would think that it's a thing the younger generation have thought up but NO! Most of the birthdays were between 40-65 years old. And it's not only female escorts being booked, the Male Escorts were booked as birthday presents constantly....

So while I would sit in my car out the front of these hotels or houses waiting for the escort or should I say THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT to finish I got to thinking...

Maybe a couple introducing a third person into their relationship prevented the urge to cheat or start an affair that might end their marriage. I mean it's only sex, a couple shares so much more than that; they share their life, their dreams, their fears, failures and achievements. Maybe holding on to monogamy is outdated and provincial, sex is just sex unless there's feelings involved!!

As a younger Party boy I've ended up in a few random threesomes to tell the truth sometimes there was quite a few more than three in my bed but all of us were single.....

I don't think if I was serious with someone I could actually book an Escort to join us, I think if my partner suggested a third person to me it would suggest that our relationship wasn't serious, but above all it would hurt my feelings and make me think that I wasn't ENOUGH!!!

However one thing the sex industry has taught me is NEVER JUDGE!!!

These couples that book escorts have been together for years and very happy. Maybe it's time for us all to re think what is considered acceptable behaviour and move with the times!!!

Sex is just sex and only a small part of what a couple share. So the next time you're stuck for a birthday present remember it could be just a phone call away!!

Christian Clarke

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Male Escorts

The past few weeks I've spent discussing Female Escorts, thought this week I'd give you a bit of an insight into the life of the Male Escorts in Melbourne.

Are they really necessary??

Let's face it any female no matter what age, size or background can get a one night stand anywhere and most times with anyone that catches her eye!!
So why would she pay for it?

Well the modern day woman follows the same rules as a man. She doesn't want to run the risk of a one night stand turning into a stalker. There are many times when they just can't be bothered getting ready to go out looking for it, so they pick up the phone and order a MAN. The beauty of hiring an Escort is you get more BANG FOR YOU'RE BUCK. These boys are there to please you and for the right price make you're fantasies into a reality

Then of course there's the male clients that book boys, again the same story, gay men can pick up anywhere just like women so if they are going to pay they expect a model or at the very least someone above the league of men they usually pick up.

To become a female escort you're only requirement is that you have a reasonable body and of course no STDs.....

For a male escort it's a lot more complicated. You need to be good looking, well hung, tanned, toned and well spoken. You need to be the complete package or trust me you won't even get passed the front door. The women clients know they can pick up anywhere so if they're going to spend their hard earned cash, they expect a STUD!!!

The only good thing about being a male escort these days is Viagra. At least you know that you'll get it up no matter what you're client looks like!!
Female escorts can close their eyes and fake it- but the Male escort needs to get it up and without Viagra if you're not aroused, it’s not gunna happen!!

The male escorts usually drive themselves to bookings however every now and then they'll use a driver if they've been drinking or partying. I only ever drove one male escort the whole time I was at the agency.

His name was Hunter. He was 22yo, six foot, tanned, dark hair and a gym junkie.
His whole life was about looking good and partying!! Good for him that's what you're 20s are for. He was making money, having fun and getting paid to have Sex.....
He serviced women, men and couples, he was very popular and his clients were always satisfied.

I drove him to one of his regulars, she owned a penthouse on
St Kilda Rd. her name was Jenny and she owned a P.R. Agency and was filthy rich. She booked him once a fortnight for 4hrs.  He told me she was his easiest client, she paid $500 per hour and just wanted to be told she was beautiful, and she would play hard to get. Eventually after 3 hours of compliments she would let him have sex with her...

Sounds easy, doesn't it?

Half way through the booking they ran out of champagne, they rang me and asked if I could go to the bottle shop and get some. When I returned I rang Hunter and he asked me to take it up so Jenny could pay me for it and she wanted to give me a tip.

Hunter buzzed me up. She owned the Penthouse and the elevator opened into her living room. When the double doors of the elevator opened she was waiting for me in a towel.

She was wider than the double doors......

I was in shock not at all what I expected. She gave me $200 and thanked me graciously, I handed her the champagne moved back into the elevator and the doors closed.

I was speechless!! I could only imagine the disaster that was underneath that towel- I've got to hand it to Hunter, it would take a very talented actor to spend 4 hours with that and pretend to enjoy it.

So boys if you've ever dreamt of being an escort and you think it's all Cougars or Milfs you'll be sent to- think again!!!

Christian Clarke