Money makes the world go round-that's certainly true in the wonderful world of prostitution.
There are three basic groups of girls: 18-25 these girls’ prices start at $500ph for the basic service which is oral and intercourse. If you want the girlfriend experience which includes kissing and mutual oral that’s extra. If you want porn star experience including toys and anal that’s extra again, and then there's fantasies like golden showers, dress ups, dominatrix etc, yes, you guessed it, extra again. So basically it could end up costing you a fortune. I've seen clients paying anywhere from $1500 to $3000 an hour just to get off.
The girls 26-40 prices for basic start at $300ph before extras and then of course the 41-55 girls start at $200ph for basic. So basically there's a price range to suit everyone.
The receptionists are the first point of call. They question what age group you're after and what type of service you're looking for. Then you are quoted a price. Once the price has been agreed upon they begin describing the girls they have available.
It's a very image obsessed world, the better you look the more you go out for. I hated driving the older girls- they were a real buzz kill, always complaining they were only going out at $200 an hour. So after they'd pay $30 to me and 50% to the agency they were clearing only $70ph. In the real world $70ph is a big deal, I mean really who clears that?
In four shifts they were still making in excess of $1400 a week clear. OK so they had to sleep with 20 men a week minimum, but no one was forcing them to be here. In the real world with no education or trade behind them at that age they'd be lucky to clear $20ph.
The young party girls on the other hand loved the industry. The ones willing to do extras would be going home with $3000 - $4000 a night!
The receptionists got paid $20ph and $2 for every job they booked.
The girls were required to work a minimum of four 8hr shifts a week.
The agency was open 24/7.
There were at least 15 girls on any 8hr shift and 3 receptionists all fighting to answer the phones. $2 adds up when there are over 100 bookings done a day.
And then there are the drivers, parked on the street waiting for a girl to get into their car, so they can make some money. $30 for jobs in the suburbs and $10 for hotel drop offs.
That's per girl, so if you had 3 girls in the car each one paid you.
So the drivers sucked up to the girls so they'd want to drive with them and the girls sucked up to the receptionists so they'd get good jobs, but everyone sucked up to the owners because they knew there was 50 others waiting to be employed there.
We were all one bitter twisted dysfunctional family that lived in a synthetic illusion we had each created for our own reasons.
Now that you all know about the money side of things we can get back to the juicy stuff next week.
Till then.
Remember to haveFUN at least once a day.
Christian Clarke
There are three basic groups of girls: 18-25 these girls’ prices start at $500ph for the basic service which is oral and intercourse. If you want the girlfriend experience which includes kissing and mutual oral that’s extra. If you want porn star experience including toys and anal that’s extra again, and then there's fantasies like golden showers, dress ups, dominatrix etc, yes, you guessed it, extra again. So basically it could end up costing you a fortune. I've seen clients paying anywhere from $1500 to $3000 an hour just to get off.
The girls 26-40 prices for basic start at $300ph before extras and then of course the 41-55 girls start at $200ph for basic. So basically there's a price range to suit everyone.
The receptionists are the first point of call. They question what age group you're after and what type of service you're looking for. Then you are quoted a price. Once the price has been agreed upon they begin describing the girls they have available.
It's a very image obsessed world, the better you look the more you go out for. I hated driving the older girls- they were a real buzz kill, always complaining they were only going out at $200 an hour. So after they'd pay $30 to me and 50% to the agency they were clearing only $70ph. In the real world $70ph is a big deal, I mean really who clears that?
In four shifts they were still making in excess of $1400 a week clear. OK so they had to sleep with 20 men a week minimum, but no one was forcing them to be here. In the real world with no education or trade behind them at that age they'd be lucky to clear $20ph.
The young party girls on the other hand loved the industry. The ones willing to do extras would be going home with $3000 - $4000 a night!
The receptionists got paid $20ph and $2 for every job they booked.
The girls were required to work a minimum of four 8hr shifts a week.
The agency was open 24/7.
There were at least 15 girls on any 8hr shift and 3 receptionists all fighting to answer the phones. $2 adds up when there are over 100 bookings done a day.
And then there are the drivers, parked on the street waiting for a girl to get into their car, so they can make some money. $30 for jobs in the suburbs and $10 for hotel drop offs.
That's per girl, so if you had 3 girls in the car each one paid you.
So the drivers sucked up to the girls so they'd want to drive with them and the girls sucked up to the receptionists so they'd get good jobs, but everyone sucked up to the owners because they knew there was 50 others waiting to be employed there.
We were all one bitter twisted dysfunctional family that lived in a synthetic illusion we had each created for our own reasons.
Now that you all know about the money side of things we can get back to the juicy stuff next week.
Till then.
Remember to have
Christian Clarke
Can't wait to read this book, I cant believe the obscene amounts of money that can be made!!