Tuesday, 7 August 2012


What is psychology? - The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context; the mental characteristics or attitude of a person.

When I first started in the sex industry I was shocked to learn that in the escort game, sex, was a very small part of the overall girlfriend experience these girls provided.

Some of the girls had regular clients they had been seeing for years. These men would book just to discuss their day, their fears, their dreams or whatever was on their mind. Most of the regular clients would book the same girl once a week for years, just to have a chat. The smarter the escort is and the easier she is to talk to, the more popular she would be.

So I got to thinking maybe these men had issues they couldn't discuss with family or friends, maybe they needed an outsiders opinion. Why not just go to a psychiatrist or psychologist, they are the professionals, trained to deal with issues. I just couldn't understand it till the other night.

I'm sure you all read the sook I had in my last post about the fall out with my publisher one month before my book was due to be released!!
Well I had overwhelming support from family and friends, I had comments on Facebook, hundreds of consoling emails telling me not to stress and I'll get a better publisher and so on. The truth is I was shattered, even though it was my call. I started doubting my decision and questioning if maybe I had been too hasty. I spent two days in bed alone feeling sorry for myself I've spent the last 8 months concentrating on the book, I haven't worked or claimed unemployment benefits, I've been living off my savings waiting for my book release and in the heat of a bad moment I blew it all up.

Poor me, look at me!!!

Friday night I did what I do best, spend money. I called my favourite escort, Christina, and pre booked her for 4 hours. I stocked up on Moët and substances and planned to have a sex marathon. She arrived looking stunning as always, I tried to put my happy face on even though I felt like a bag of shit. I've been seeing her regularly for 4 years so she picked that I wasn't right immediately...

Ladies and gentlemen for the first 3 hours of the booking we spoke!! I divulged things to her, about myself, I haven't told anyone!!!  She gave me advice Freud would have been proud of. She single handily brought me back to reality and gave me the new found confidence I needed to start my search for a new publisher...the last hour we spent in my room doing what she does best. When she left I finally got it, why clients spend so much money to talk. These girls tell you the truth and not just what you want to hear!! And the best part is it comes with a happy ending!

Best $2000 I've spent all year - look out publishers here I come!!!!

Christian Clarke

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


I would like to thank you all for your support.

In the last 3 months I've accumulated over 13,000 followers on my Facebook, over 10,000 on my Blogspot and Google +.

I'm receiving thousands of e mails asking me about the release date of my book so I've decided to respond publicly.

As of 1/8/2012 my publisher and I have failed to reach an agreement so I will be exercising my option to look for representation elsewhere. I've decided to approach Random House and Penguin as they have a wider world wide reach. I've noticed the bulk of my fan base is New York, Los Angeles and London.

I'd like to thank you all and hope you keep enjoying my blogs.

I will keep you all posted about my endeavours in finding a new publisher. Thank you all for your overwhelming support.

Christian Clarke